EECS 494 Metroid Tutorials


In Zelda, a huge part of the project is maintaining an inventory. Thankfully for us, Metroid doesn’t have all this work (we did have to spend a lot of extra time on physics though).

In this final section, we’re going to implement the Morph Ball and implement a simple inventory.

Creating the Pickup

Create a new GameObject named Morph Ball.

Make it a Child of RoomA (remember, we want our Collectables and Enemies to be children of Rooms so they’re disabled with them).

Set the Local Position to (46, 2, 0). This isn’t the actual position of the collectable, but a moving Camera isn’t part of this tutorial so you wouldn’t be able to see it in its real position.

Add a SpriteRenderer with Sprite: metroid_samusaran_sheet_3

Add a SphereCollider with Radius: .5 and IsTrigger: True.

We don’t need to worry about a Rigidbody since this will never move!

The last thing we need to do is give the Game Object a Tag so the Player can check to identify the Trigger.

Go to the Tags & Layer Manager under Edit->Project Settings->Tags and Layer. Add a new Tag named MorphBall.


Give this tag to your MorphBall GameObject.


That’s it! Our Player will handle the rest of the logic for picking this up. Convert this to a Prefab by dragging the object from the Inspector into the Prefabs folder.


Now let’s create a simple script to manage the Player’s Inventory. Create a script named PlayerInventory.cs in the Scripts folder and attach it to the Player Object.

Create a public bool to keep track of if the player has a morph ball.


Now we need to check for the Player’s Collision with the MorphBall. In an OnTriggerEnter() function, check the Collider’s Tag. If it matches “MorphBall” destroy the object and set hasMorphBall to True.


Unfortunately, we aren’t picking up the ball just yet. Bugs like this are super frequent with Beginner Unity development. Did we set the Tag wrong? Is our syntax for OnTriggerEnter() bad? Did we set up the Colliders correctly?

In this case, OnTriggerEnter() is never being called. This is because our Player object doesn’t have a Collider, the Children have the Colliders.

So we need to call the Parent OnTriggerEnter() whenever the Child OnTriggerEnter is called.

First expose the OnTriggerEnter call by making it public.


Create a new script PassUpTriggerEnterToInventory.cs in the Scripts folder and attach it to both Standing and Morphed.

In this script you should first store a reference to the PlayerInventory. Then pass up the Collider when this object hits a trigger.


Restricting State Changes

The last thing we need to do is have the PlayerState script check the inventory before it lets the Player morph.

First let’s add a Getter in PlayerInventory.cs for if the player has the MorphBall.


Now in PlayerState.cs store a reference to the inventory and check the playerInventory before allowing a morph.



You’ve made it! You are now officially done with the Metroid tutorials. Don’t celebrate too much though as you still have a lot of work ahead of you.


When you’re ready, commit your changes and head over to 13: Next Steps.