Player Direction
The next thing we’ll want to do is to have the player face in the correct direction. This is important not only for aesthetics, but to make sure the player can fire in the correct direction.
To start, create a script in your Scripts folder called PlayerDirection.cs. Add it on your Player prefab.
Horizontal Direction
To control how the player looks left and right, we’re actually going to just flip the object by scaling negative on the x-axis. Not only will this make it easier for us as we don’t have to have Sprites for both directions, but it will also help with some logic later for determining where the gun should fire from.
In your PlayerDirection.cs script add a bool facingRight that defaults to true. Next add two conditionals for if the input direction is different than the current direction. When these conditions are met, change the direction and flip the character.
Vertical Direction
Next we want to do something similair for if the player is facing up. In this context, facing up is aiming the gun up. Unfortunately we can’t just flip something over, we’ll have to update the actual sprite used.
Add a bool lookingUp that defaults to false. However we still need Sprite specific variables, so add a public SpriteRenderer and two public Sprites for facingForward and lookingUpward.
Now we need to set these back in the inspector. The SpriteRenderer needs to be set to the the SpriteRenderer attached to the child Standing. You can either open up and lock a second inspector, or simply drag the Standing GameObject onto the spot and it will use it’s SpriteRenderer.
The two sprites are simply metroid_samusaran_sheet_0 and metroid_samusaran_sheet_1 respectively.
Now we just need to write our logic, much the same as before. The one difference is that the player doesn’t need to press down to look down, so instead we’ll just check if the up key is held so.
Public Functions
The last thing we’ll want to do is expose the current direction of the player. This is important so that other scripts we are about to write can access this information. Simple Getters will do.
We now have the ability to look and aim our blaster. Of course, no blaster is complete without firing and in the next tutorial we are going to implement exactly that.
When you’re ready, commit and go to the next tutorial: 09: Bullets And Firing.