EECS 494 Metroid Tutorials

Player Movement Fixes

A very large portion of the time you spend in this class will be researching bugs like the ones we have with out movement. For this tutorial, we will show you how to fix some of these bugs.

Constraining the Rigidbody

The most noticable problem is the spinning. We could try to force the character upright through scripting, but it’s easier to do so through the Player’s Rigidbody component.

Under Constraints, freeze the rotation on every axis.

While we’re here, also freeze the position the z-axis so the character doesn’t move back in space. You should do this with all of your Rigidbodys for this project.


Input Manager Fixes

You may have noticed the player gradually speeds up instead of starting with full velocity. This is because by default Unity tries to mimic joystick controls for Input.GetAxis, trying to smooth out changes between the keys.

o to Edit->Project Settings->Input and set the gravity to inf and set the sensitivity to inf.


Physic Materials

You may have noticed the player sticks to walls if you hold the direction into them. This is because there is a lot of friction from the horizontal force keeping Samus up vertically.

Friction is sometimes a good thing, but in Metroid we have no need for it.

Create a new folder in your Assets named PhysicMaterials. Inside of it right click anywhere and do Create->Physic Material. Name it Frictionless


Now set the Dynamic Friction and Static Friction to 0.


Set this as the Material for the Capsule Collider of Standing (the child of Player).


Also set this as the Material for the Box Collider of the Tile_WALL prefab.


Checking Grounded

The last thing you may have noticed is that the player can still jump while airborne. Let’s check to see if the player is grounded before we let them jump.

Create a new function IsGrounded() that returns a bool. In it, SphereCast from the child’s collider’s center down to just below the bottom of the collider.


Now just add the IsGrounded() check before you jump.


Jump Strength

Now that we’re able to actually play our game, you may have noticed that we went a little overkill with our initial jump strength. You can just go ahead and dial this down to 12 in the editor, no need to change your script!




This was only the basics of movement and you’ll find in your analysis that there’s a bit more to Metroid than just this (running jumps, jumps dependent on how long you hold the button, etc…). However that’s all the time we’re going to spend on it here.

When you’re ready, commit and go to the next tutorial: 08-Player Direction.